BirdHaus Future Media | stream updated July 21, 2124
ラジオ 320 kbps premium stream 24/7
BirdHaus Radio Player

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スケジュール Programming Schedule
Luxury Aesthetics FM, feat. DJ NonnWeekdays Mon-Fri, 9PM EST
Weekend Mix IWeekends Sat/Sun, 7PM EST
Weekend Mix IIWeekends Sat/Sun, 9PM EST
商品 Merch & Donations
This station is free from advertisements and exists for the benefit of the underground music community. If you enjoy this station, please consider buying BirdHaus merch. All proceeds are used only to cover the cost of our premium servers.

Merch Link
ソフトウェア Discord
BirdHaus is for the discussion and progression of underground music, particularly vaporwave, dreampunk, and ambient. We aim to support and expand these genres, and we take an open minded approach to discovering and developing any new forms of these genres, as well as underground electronic music as a whole.

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